How does Whole Genome Sequencing predict drug susceptibility?
9 Jan 2020, 07:42
Part 4 of a series of instructional videos designed for healthcare workers and PHE staff, highlighting the uses of genome sequencing by the National Mycobacterium Reference Service (NMRS) and the workflow of the organisation.
What happens to my sample - the NMRS workflow
9 Jan 2020, 07:40
Part 3 of a series of instructional videos designed for healthcare workers and PHE staff, highlighting the uses of genome sequencing by the National Mycobacterium Reference Service (NMRS) and the workflow of the organisation.
How does Whole Genome Sequencing identify mycobacteria?
9 Jan 2020, 07:37
Part 2 of a series of instructional videos designed for healthcare workers and PHE staff, highlighting the uses of genome sequencing by the National Mycobacterium Reference Service (NMRS) and the workflow of the organisation.
What is Whole Genome Sequencing?
9 Jan 2020, 07:35
Part 1 of a series of instructional videos designed for healthcare workers and PHE staff, highlighting the uses of genome sequencing by the National Mycobacterium Reference Service (NMRS) and the workflow of the organisation.